Upcoming events.

Winter Potluck Lunch & Quilt Raffle
Join us at the Brookfield Environmental Learning Center for our annnual potluck , followed by festive music from some of the Ansley Bell Ringers from the Paupack United Methodist Church, finishing off the afternoon with the annual quilt raffle drawing.
Potluck Luncheon & Book Release
Please join us on August 26 for an exciting membership meeting!
On Friday, August 26 we will be hosting an event at the Brookfield ELC for the unveiling/introduction of our History of Hawley, Volume I by Peter Becker, edited by WHS.
We are very excited that Volume I (of the two-volume set) is now available for purchase. This project has been in development for 10 years – so much celebration is in order!!
On August 26 we will be hosting a luncheon at noon, followed by a brief talk by Peter Becker. We will then be holding a Trivia event, hosted by Tony Schwartz. Prizes will be awarded!
Available for purchase at the ELC, in addition to the History of Hawley, Volume I, will be the new 2023 WHS calendar. In addition, our annual quilt will be on display, along with the opportunity to purchase quilt raffle tickets. Other WHS publications will also be available for purchase.
Please join us for a fun afternoon as we celebrate the publication of this book. And test your knowledge of general trivia, peppered with some local history questions as well. Get ready to show off your ability to retain otherwise useless facts!
Members are asked to please bring a luncheon food item to be shared with guests.
Thank you for your support.
We are looking forward to seeing everyone on August 26!